I have asked clients, students, readers of my books and people attending my seminars the question, “What do you really, really want?” When you get past the trite answers, “happiness”, “money”, “world peace”, etc., most people are really baffled to come up with something that satisfies their proverbial palate. So then, I pose this question to you now, “If you could be or have anything, what do you really, really want?”
Having answered the question, are you getting what you really, really want? Most people aren’t. In my book Why Women Want What They Can’t Have, yes that’s really the title, I looked at the many reasons why women pick abusive men, or men that are just not suited to their needs. Why do women settle for the wrong man, the wrong job or the wrong direction in life? Simple! They are not setting their roots in solid foundations. And what is this “solid foundation”? Seeking first the kingdom of God!
When you seek first the kingdom of God, you are creating the perfect base for living your life. Just turn to your Bible and read Matthew 19:26—Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Wow, isn’t that amazing? Since Jesus said, that the “Kingdom of God is within us.” (Luke 17:20-21), and that we are created in the image of God (spirit) and that we are children of God, guess what? We have the keys to the kingdom folks…you can have anything you want! Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you (Matthew 7:7). The problem facing most is that they are either afraid to ask, don’t know what to ask for, or the kicker…their faith and belief hinders them from receiving. God as their foundation for life and happiness. If God is for you, then who can be against you? Well, that would usually be you!
I have met some wise and faith-driven people in my life, but my ultimate favorite person, and easily the wisest man I have ever spoken with is Dr. Robert Schuller Sr., the pastor from the great Hour of Power. Dr. Schuller is a firm believer in finding a need and filling it. What often happens though is we forget to fill our own needs which are basic for our core beliefs and foundation for living. Often times we dream too small or don’t believe in our dreams. That’s too bad. I think Schuller says it best, “Make your dreams big enough for God to fit in!” After all, He is God isn’t He?
So now…What do you really, really want? Now with God on your side, go out and get it!