In our world today, most of the movies are based from the best-selling books and novels; however, there are still persons who are wondering why this is happening. Basically, if a movie is based from a book, it means that the book has something that people could love. There are lots of books that were made into a movie, like Twilight and Harry potter. These books are series; that is, the story is continued from book 1 to book 4 or from book 1 to book 7. Moviemakers and producers thought that these books can really put a name in the industry and that they could make a difference to the readers and viewers’ understandings.
The most common genres of books that make a name in the movie industry are love story and fairy tales, because moviemakers choose these books to have a great visualization and because it can make a great effect to the person who will see the movie. Films based on horror books and suspense stories drive the watchers into the story itself and make them feel that they are in the real book story. Books bring a great impact to our lives not just from enjoying it but also from learning with it. Books are said to be the snacks of the brain and it really brings lots of advantages to the readers and to the person who loves to read something.
Going back to the topic, these movies are highly appreciated by the readers and they really make a name and people are really excited to watch a movie that comes from the book that the people that have already read. People who have read best-selling books online are really craving for more that is why they watch the movie version but it doesn’t mean that the movie is a continuation of the book. It is a movie wherein people can really know and understand what happened on the story of the book.
Why these movie producers make a movie that is based on a book?
Here are the reasons why moviemakers and producers make a movie based from a book:
It Can Make the People Appreciate the Book
Yes, it is true. Although the readers appreciate it, movie producers and moviemakers think that people must see this kind of story inside a book. They must feel also the feelings that the readers have felt as they read the books. They must feel the emotions and know what are the things that happened in the story of the book. If people see the story first in the movie, chances are they will decide to read the book so that they will know the complete details from the story of the book.
Movie Tells the Story
Movie always tells the story from the book or from the other source. The story from the movie and from the books is just the same; however, the movie provides the shorter version of the story from the book.
It Can Easily Make the Viewers Visualize
With the technology of moviemaking nowadays, moviemakers and producers can easily create animations and effects to make the viewers visualize and see what really happened through movies. They can create lots of graphics and visual effects that can make the people say WOW and can make people feel the emotions of each and every situation in the movie.
It Can Reach Many Audiences
Movies are played all over the world that is why it is a good way to spread the story of a book through a movie that is shown in cinemas worldwide. It can reach more audience and people who will know the story of the book will increase.
It Helps People to Understand the Story
If some people have a hard time to figure out the story from the book, movies have a way to make the watchers understand the story of the book in less than 2 hours. Imagine that the duration of a certain movie is almost 2 hours. The advantage is that the movie can make the viewers understand and know the story in just a short period of time.
It Is Just Because the Book Is Awesome
Moviemakers and producers think that if they create a movie from best-selling books and novels, the movie will certainly become a hit in the industry and people will really love it. If the director is impressed with the book and they would want to create a movie version, it means the movie has something that could make a person appreciate.
It Helps to Promote the Book
It definitely promotes the book no matter what; chances are, the sales of the book will increase because it gets exposed in a movie. Movies really do a great job in interpreting something, probably a book, that is why it is an advantage to make the people know the book and its story.
Earn a Huge Amount of Money
Business is business. People who created the movie and the people who created the book will certainly have a huge amount of money if people really love to watch the movie and didn’t care how much the ticket costs just to watch the movie.
The Story Will Be Tattooed in the Minds of the Readers and Viewers
If people really appreciate and love the movie from the book, people will always remember that this movie from a book has done a very significant event in their life. It means that there are lots of lessons and inspirations that viewers can get while they watch the movie.
It is not bad that movies are based from a book because this makes the crowd love the story from the book and the result is good for both book writers and movie producers. It is how they make a decision wherein both side will have an opportunity to make the book be loved by the public.
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